Who we are

About us

Based in Nairobi, ALP has a dedicated team of international and local professionals with track records in the delivery and management of grade-A logistics and distribution facilities across Africa and emerging markets. The ALP management team has developed over 1.5 million square metres of modern warehousing in emerging markets over the last 10 years.

ALP has a strong balance sheet and its shareholders comprise major global institutional investors. The company operates to UK public company governance standards. ALP is currently working with multinational and regional companies across Africa
developing modern grade-A logistics and distribution warehousing infrastructure in Kenya, and wider East Africa region.


About us

To be the leading provider of sustainable, modern, and institutional-grade A warehouses and logistics parks in Kenya and East Africa, setting the benchmark for excellence and innovation in the real estate and logistics industry.


About us

Our mission is to create value for our investors, clients, stakeholders, and the communities we serve by delivering top-tier facilities that promote operational efficiency, environmental responsibility, and long-term sustainability.


About us

Strive for continuous improvement and innovation, surpassing industry standards. Tailor solutions for occupiers by integrating eco-friendly designs and fostering mutual growth with unwavering ethical standards. Ensure optimal value for investors while delivering unparalleled value to clients, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of logistics infrastructure.

Our history


about us section 2

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  • accordingly
  • additionally
  • albeit
  • all things considered
  • although this may be true
  • as I have shown

about us section3

Maecenas laoreet sit amet ante et porttitor. Morbi blandit quam at quam pulvinar, id posuere erat tempor. Donec id nisi iaculis, rhoncus nunc a, bibendum mauris. Aenean efficitur tempor lacus, sit amet maximus dolor cursus id. Vestibulum vel elementum diam. Praesent blandit arcu et nulla semper, efficitur aliquam nibh feugiat. Quisque ac ornare ex. Aenean iaculis tellus ut enim dictum faucibus. Etiam eget nunc odio. Pellentesque ultrices lorem sed nisl bibendum, ut ullamcorper felis maximus. Pellentesque nulla erat, congue ac lorem sed, vestibulum semper ex. Donec lectus nulla, tempor eu ornare nec, faucibus eu nunc. Praesent consectetur et eros ut blandit. Pellentesque eu consectetur ipsum. Etiam ut metus quis diam imperdiet rhoncus vel sit amet nulla.

Aliquam vulputate augue ac nisi rhoncus, non auctor nisi cursus. In commodo sollicitudin turpis id efficitur. Suspendisse potenti. Cras id sodales dolor, at varius massa. Donec vel odio id mauris hendrerit imperdiet. Sed sed erat ac tellus blandit lobortis. In pharetra, massa vitae varius faucibus, quam massa faucibus urna, interdum bibendum dolor massa vel eros. Nam ac dolor nisi. Fusce ut auctor nulla, et luctus magna.

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